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Statement of compliance with principles of publication ethics


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Aims and Scope Statement

Teologický časopis [ISSN 1336–3395] is a peer-reviewed biannual journal issued by Theological Faculty of University of Trnava in Slovakia. In 2012 the scope of the journal has been reconsidered. Since then it has served as a platform for presentation of theological opinions of diverse Christian denominations on a scholarly level. All aspects of theological issues may be covered with aim to promote a dialogue among Christian denominations active in the post-communist countries of the Central Europe. Currently it is the only peer-reviewed ecumenical journal in Slovakia.

Access to research published in the journal

Teologický časopis is an open access journal (OA), and does not charge authors an Article Processing Charge (APC). The research presented in the articles is available on the journal's website, so anyone can read them and use freely for their own research.

Individual issues of Teologický časopis are electronically archived in PDF format on the journal's website. They are thus easily accessible to readers and authors of articles, even if the journal  ceases publication.

Journal Indexing


Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) 


Ethical Policies for Teologický časopis

For Teologický časopis, which serves as a platform for scholarly dialogue across denominations, ethical principles are an essential means to credibility on the part of contributors and readers alike. We require editors, reviewers, and authors to adhere to the ethical principles listed below which refer to Elsevier’s guidelines for a Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.    

Editors and reviewers

Evaluation of manuscripts submitted for publication must be based exclusively on the criterion of quality. The ecumenical nature of the journal obliges editors and reviewers to evaluate submitted studies regardless of the author's denominational affiliation, as well as race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship, or political affiliation. Articles with an offensive content will not be accepted for publication. 

We require reviewers to disclose to the Editorial Board any competing interest that might influence their objective assessment of the manuscript.  

Reviewers may be recruited from any academic institution except the one where the author of the article is based, as well as the journal's editorial board. The Editor-in-Chief will also ensure that the number of authors from any one institution in a published issue of the journal does not exceed two-thirds of the total number.

If the editor finds that a publication is plagiarized, duplicated, or presents research conducted in a manner that does not take into account the ethical requirements of academic work, it will not be published. If these misconducts are discovered after the text has been published, the editors will consider additional retractions. In the print version of the next issue of the journal, the author and title of the publication will be listed, but instead of the text of the publication, it will be stated that it has been retracted and the reason for this action. In the PDF version, which is available under "Archive" in the main menu, the article will be marked RETRACTED.       

The review process is anonymous and follows the principle of double-blind peer review, so that the reviewer does not know the author and vice versa.

If requested by the reviewer, the Editor-in-Chief will arrange communication between the author and the reviewer during the review process. The reviewer may invite a colleague who is an expert in the area of research for a more objective assessment of the matter.

Neither the editors nor reviewers may give information about articles under review without the express permission of the author.

Original ideas contained in a peer-reviewed article must not be misused for personal academic benefit of the editor or reviewer. 


Articles submitted for publication in Teologický časopis must result from the author's personal research, and any other material must be properly acknowledged in citations.

Articles should present the author's original views in the context of ongoing scholarly discussion and should clearly articulate the contribution of the published views to the scholarly debate.

If the original ideas in the article are the result of research under a grant, it should be clearly stated what the project is and who awarded the research grant.

If the author of an article finds, after submission, that it contains a serious error or inaccuracy, it is the author's responsibility to contact a member of the Editorial Board to discuss the possibility of correcting or withdrawing the article. 

An article submitted to the journal cannot be simultaneously submitted to another journal or any other collection of academic papers. If the reviewer or editor discovers such misconduct, they will contact the Editor-in-Chief who will request an explanation from both the author and the editor of the publication where the paper was published.    


If the author disagrees with the editor's decision, he or she may appeal. In such a case, he or she must respond to the editor's comments and provide new information to make it clear that the request is justified. If the author believes that the reviewer's decision is the result of a conflict of interest, he or she must submit evidence of this.The Editorial Board of the journal will consider the validity of the request and make a decision. This decision of the Editorial Board is final and the author cannot appeal further. 

If anyone has a reasonable suspicion of influencing the publication of a paper or the review process related to it, please report it to the email address of the journal's Editor-in-Chief: jozef.tino [at]  

Copyright and licensing information

Copyright on all articles which have been accepted for publication by the editors are transferred to the publisher of Teologický časopis i.e. to Theological Faculty of University of Trnava. Accepted articles shall be licensed under the Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0) which means that the publisher grant users the right to unrestricted dissemination and re-use of their work, provided that the original authorship of the articles is acknowledged.  

Advertising and Direct Marketing

As the journal is freely available on the website, there is no need for marketing for sales.  Hard copies are freely distributed to the authors of the articles. The Editorial Board does not encourage promotion of the journal, but when it is done in traditional media or on social media, we insist that it be truthful, unbiased information.


Editorial and Advisory Boards

Editorial board:

Marcela Andoková, PhD. (Philosophical Faculty, Comenius University)

Prof. Dr. theol. Gloria Braunsteiner (Faculty of Theology, University of Trnava)

doc. Martin Dojčár, PhD.

(Faculty of Education, University of Trnava)

Prof. Peter Dubovský SJ, ThD. (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome)

Dr. Peter Juhás (University of Münster)  

doc. ThDr. Sidonia Horňanová, PhD. (Evangelical LutheranTheological Faculty, Comenius University)

doc. Bohdan Hroboň, DPhil. (Faculty of Theology, University of Trnava)

ThDr. Maria Kardis, PhD. (Greek-Catholic Theological Faculty, Prešovská Univerzita)

prof. ThLic. Miloš Lichner SJ, D.Th. (Faculty of Theology, University of Trnava)

doc. ThDr. Albín Masarik, PhD. (Department of Theology and Religious Education, University of Matej Bel)

ThDr. Lilla Szenasi, PhD (Faculty of Reformed Theology, J. Selye University)

Prof. Brigit Weyel (University of Tübingen)  

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Jozef Tiňo (Faculty of Theology, University of Trnava)


Instructions for Authors

Articles can be submitted in Slovak, Czech, English, German, Italian and Polish. It is expected that contributions in languages other than Slovak will be proofread prior to submission. Articles should not exceed 55,000 characters (not counting spaces) including footnotes.

Authors are asked to send electronic version of their contributions (Word and PDF) to the following email address:

jozef.tino [at]

The journal does not charge authors submission fees.


Structure of articles

  1. title, subtitle (if applicable)
  2. name of author
  3. a short summary in English (no more than 150 words)
  4. keywords or short phrases (2 – 6)
  5. the text of an article
  6. professional address, email.


Spacing: 1,5

Font and font sizeTimes New Roman in 12 point font.

For Hebrew and Greek words authors are asked to use the Bibleworks fonts: bwhebb for Hebrew (16 point font size), and bwgrkl for Greek (12 point font size). Fonts are available for download on the “Biblica“ website: . For other fonts (syriac, arabic etc.) authors are asked to contact editors of the journal.


Examples of bibliographical references

References to monographs with 1-3 authors

CLEMINSON, R. M.: Cyrilské rukopisy na Slovensku. Martin : Vydavateľstvo Matice slovenskej, 1996. s. 15.

FRY, C. G., KING, J. R.: Islam : A Survey of the Muslim Faith. Grand Rapids : Baker, 1981, s. 6.

DAVIES, P. R., BROOKE, G. J., CALLAWAY, P. R.: The Complete World of the Dead Sea Scrolls. London : Thames & Hudson, 2002, s. 82.

Abbreviated form of the title after the first citation:

CLEMINSON, Cyrilské rukopisy, 15.

FRY a.i., Islam, 6.

DAVIES a.i., Complete World, 82.


Bibliographical references to monographs with more than 3 authors:

DUBOVSKÝ, P., a.i.: Genezis. Trnava : Dobrá kniha, 2008. s. 167.


References to collections or Festschriften as complete works

DELL, K. J., DAVIES, G. I., KOH, Y. V (ed.) Genesis, Isaiah and Psalms. A Festschrift to Honour Professor John Emerton for His Eightieth Birthday. Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 135. Leiden; Boston : Brill, 2010. 

Abbreviated form of the title after the first citation:

DELL a.i. (ed.) Genesis, Isaiah and Psalms.


References to articles in collections

DAVIES, G. I.: Were There Schools in Ancient Israel? In: J. DAY, R. P. GORDON, H. G. M. WILLIAMSON (ed.). Wisdom in Ancient Israel. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995, s. 200.

Abbreviated form of the title after the first citation:

DAVIES, Schools, 200.


Encyclopedia or dictionary entries

McDERMOTT, G. R. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Evangelical Theology. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. s. 304.

SCHIFFMAN, L. H., VANDERKAM, J. C.: Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Vol 1 [A – M], heslo : Messianic Apocalypse, s. 543.

Abbreviated form of the title after the first citation:

OHET, 304

EDSS I, 543


References to articles in periodicals:

MARINČÁK, Š.: Prednes prokeimenu v histórii slovanského liturgického formulára konštantínopolskej tradície s dôrazom na prax v cirkvi bývalej Mukačevskej eparchie. In: Teologický časopis 2/2014, s. 18.

WEYEL, B., WEIMER, T., HOFFMANN, C.: Biografia a eschatológia. Prieskum k pohrebným kázňam vo Württembergu, In: Teologický časopis 1/2013, s. 23 [preklad: A. MASARIK].

GREINER, F.: Die Menschlichkeit der Offenbarung : Die transcendentale Grundlegung der Theologie bei K. Rahner im Lichte seiner Christologie. In: Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 100, 1978, s. 603.

Abbreviated form of the title after the first citation:

MARINČÁK, Prednes prokeimenu, 18.

WEYEL a.i., Biografia a eschatológia, 23.

GREINER, Menschlichkeit, 603.


Web-based references

LADOUCEUR, P.: The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (June 2016). In: Oecuménisme/Ecumenism 198-199, 2016, s. 18-39 [online] dostupné na:

Church_June_2016_Oecum%C3%A9nisme_Ecumenism_Montreal_V._51_No._198-199_2016_18-39 (cit. 20.12.2016)

Abbreviated form of the title after the first citation:

LADOUCEUR, Holy and Great Council (cit. 20.12.2016).